Showing posts from 2009
Anatomy Drawing | A series of life drawing practices - 4
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This is the series of life drawing practices in Anatomy drawing. Drawing human is most commonly practiced. But one should actually study and practice the rhythm of muscles of human body. Anatomy drawing is a study of the bone structure, muscle formation and its rhythm. While practicing anatomy, based on structure we can simply capture the depth on body surface with simple lines. that will help us to understand the anatomy a lot. This will help in next level drawing practice with shades and textures. One of the key observation of these drawings are, they are not simply posing individually. These humans are in contact with some wall or ground. When an anatomy is in contact with other object, it will balance the pose and helps an artist to study anatomy behavior very well. A boy - Anatomy drawing A Woman back - Anatomy Drawing A Woman Front - Anatomy Drawing A Man back - Anatomy Drawing A Man front - Anatomy Drawing
Birds Drawing | A series of life drawing practices - 3
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Bird drawing is one of the series of life drawing practice sessions. Bird drawing is simpler when compared with any animal drawings. mostly we use primary circular shapes to create the basic form of the drawing. Body weight, length of the neck varies from bird to bird. The major difficult part in drawing birds is to rendering the feathers. Though it looks simple, it is the major part of the drawing. Many artists fail to render the feathers. some do more and some don't even attempt. Observing the main folds of the feathers and skin of the birds helps to draw feathers. I have some examples of my quick attempts of bird drawings. Parrot drawing Swan Drawing Crane Drawing Flying Sparrow Drawing Sparrow Drawing Owel Drawing
Human Face Drawing | A series of life drawing practices - 2
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Drawing human faces is one of the most common practices of life drawing. People often spend time on drawing similar type of faces, and ignore experimenting different age groups. Infants drawing is one of the difficult parts of human face drawings. Their expressions are so obvious but their facial expressions change quickly. And it is also difficult to make their attention. For many basic artists, infant drawings end up almost similar to each other when compared. So Infant drawing is something very important. Young generation group is commonly practices as old people drawings, but to grab the attention of audience, young people subjects are commonly taken as reference. However, Old age group is also chosen by many artists who wants to improve their drawing skills as they find good wrinkles and textures on face. That helps artists to realize the importance of texturing. This is as difficult as drawing feathers for bird drawings. Infant Drawing Young Man Drawing ...
Animal Drawing | A series of life drawing practices - 1
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Animal drawing is one of the series of life drawings. In every life drawing, we observe the object, draw basics lines, shapes and circles of the object to outline the poses, mark interesting features and then take the final form of the shape. In many cases, Animals will not stand steady for long time, So a photographic reference would be good way to practice initially. I have taken below examples to quickly practice some drawings based on photographic references. Deer Drawing Dog Drawing Cow Drawing Elephant Drawing Lion Drawing Squirrel Drawing
3 Steps to learn drawing from your surroundings | Objects drawing
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If you want to achieve better drawing skills, don't wait for nice scenery or location for your framing. Drawing skills can be improved in just 3 Steps. Find how? 1. Find Objects from your surroundings: A common problem for many students is to finding right objects as a reference for their drawings. Often, students go for online or wait for a right timing to travel to find great monuments or landscapes references. If you are really trying to improve your drawing skills, you should not wait for something which is far away. Start finding objects that you see everyday. Every object has its own properties of texture, shades and casts different reflections. When you practice with different objects, you will understand the rendering style of every shade. 2. Draw quickly Take any object that you see and start drawing as fast as you can. Initially, you will take 1 hour to complete one single drawing. Practice to reduce the time you spend to draw an object consistently...
Drawing flowers is quick and simple. Know how?
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I have below five samples of flowers to show how quick and simple is to draw flowers. To start with, there are three ways to start drawing: See a photograph reference and draw See live scene and draw Remember the scene and draw The first one is the good initiate to start any drawing for basic artists. as you improve your drawing skills, try to remember scenes and end with third step. Drawing flowers is one of the easy way to start your drawing practices. As they have simple basic forms, and outlines. When you see a picture or a photographic reference, try to observe the highlights and dark shades and notice the contrast edge of each color. From color to color there is a edge contrast line which becomes the reference point to draw. Draw basic circular out lines for image proportions, but start adding detailed lines from the center point as this method gives you a right geometry. Keep drawing the lines of the colors you see, and form the complete drawing. ...