3 Steps to learn drawing from your surroundings | Objects drawing

If you want to achieve better drawing skills, don't wait for nice scenery or location for your framing. Drawing skills can be improved in just 3 Steps. Find how?

1. Find Objects from your surroundings:

A common problem for many students is to finding right objects as a reference for their drawings.
Often, students go for online or wait for a right timing to travel to find great monuments or landscapes references. If you are really trying to improve your drawing skills, you should not wait for something which is far away. Start finding objects that you see everyday. 

Every object has its own properties of texture, shades and casts different reflections. When you practice with different objects, you will understand the rendering style of every shade.

2. Draw quickly

Take any object that you see and start drawing as fast as you can. Initially, you will take 1 hour to complete one single drawing. Practice to reduce the time you spend to draw an object consistently.

The faster you draw, the better it is for you. Try not to use eraser, If a shape is not perfect, let it go, try another full drawing. Try to bring a good finishing to your object, but you cant just sit on tweaking it again and again, it kills your time and energy.

3. Practice drawing continuously:

If you want to learn drawing, you need to practice a lot.
Practice, Practice and Practice
Drawing is not about just the scene. it is the expression, and the rendering style. You will attain expressions only through lines and the pressure that you put on strokes. If you want to achieve right stroke and expressions, you should be continuously practice until you use to a right stroke.

Here you see some examples of man made objects taken as a reference for drawings.

wine glass drawing
A wine glass with fruits as a reference
Two Tablas drawing
Tabla: A musical instrument as a reference
Coffee cup drawing
A Tea cup with a spoon as a reference
Camera Drawing
Camera as a drawing reference
Gun Drawing
Toy Gun for the drawing reference
Flower drawing
A plastic Rose flower as a reference 
Banana drawing
Banana as a drawing reference
Kitchen set drawing
Kitchen set as a drawing reference
Dry tree drawing
A dry bark as a drawing reference 
Mic drawing
A Mic as a drawing reference
