Birds Drawing | A series of life drawing practices - 3

Bird drawing is one of the series of life drawing practice sessions. Bird drawing is simpler when compared with any animal drawings. mostly we use primary circular shapes to create the basic form of the drawing. Body weight, length of the neck varies from bird to bird.
The major difficult part in drawing birds is to rendering the feathers. Though it looks simple, it is the major part of the drawing. Many artists fail to render the feathers. some do more and some don't even attempt. Observing the main folds of the feathers and skin of the birds helps to draw feathers.

I have some examples of my quick attempts of bird drawings.
Parrot drawing
Parrot drawing
Swan drawing
Swan Drawing
Crane Drawing
Crane Drawing
Flying Sparrow Drawing
Flying Sparrow Drawing
Sparrow Drawing
Sparrow Drawing
Owel Drawing
Owel Drawing


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