India sets guidelines to stop a pandemic outbreak | Lessons from a sophisticated cultural lineage

The world has to realize the greatness of India on how the science and health practices being infused in India’s cultural aspects. If Indians customs, cultures and the rules were followed strictly, the current pandemic outbreak could not even touched the India.
Before I go deep into the topic, One should understand What is Culture?
Indian culture is built on Swa-dharma. Which means, being righteousness and being closer to the mother nature according to social conditions, duties and actions of individuals.
Indian Culture is classified into State of occupation, geographical conditions and Common rites of passage from birth to death.
There are detailed manuals written for each individuals on how to perform these actions, which are called Śāstras.
‘Shastra’ means a scientific rule or a proven methodology of practice. We are set with certain rules and regulations infused as culture in human life.
These Rules talk right from waking out of bed to going to bed.
You will find detailed approach on when to awake, how to clean body, how to sit, where to sit, how to stand, what to speak, when to talk, how to greet, when to eat, how to eat, how to feed, what to offer, when to offer, how to think, how to make a wish, how to touch, when to touch, times to work, times to fight, when to study, times to be self quarantined and even on how to ‘breath’.
Each individual attribute is an entire chapter of guidelines. Following these guidelines, rules, deeds is called
‘Swa-dharma-acharana’ and here is what Bhagavan SriKrishna mentioned about Swadharma.
Understand below Chapter: 3, verse: 35 from Bhagavat Gita
श्रेयान्स्वधर्मो विगुण: परधर्मात्स्वनुष्ठितात् |
स्वधर्मे निधनं श्रेय: परधर्मो भयावह: || 35||
śhreyān swa-dharmo viguṇaḥ para-dharmāt sv-anuṣhṭhitāt
swa-dharme nidhanaṁ śhreyaḥ para-dharmo bhayāvahaḥ
Meaning: It is far better to perform one’s natural prescribed duty, though tinged with faults, than to perform another’s prescribed duty, though perfectly. In fact, it is preferable to die in the discharge of one’s duty, than to follow the path of another, which is fraught with danger.

When India was practicing Swa-dharma, the rest of the world intentionally and systematically collapsed the cultures of India. and started infusing other western, european religious cultural aspects into Indian culture. Making Indians feel low, orthodox, finicky, non-scientific, Superstitious believers etc.,
These stereotypes are still made on Indians life style. And the sad part is some of Indians themselves trying to show that they are secularists, atheists, and spoiling our own culture. The truth in deep Indian philosophy is There is no God!
Indian Culture is not at all about religious. It is the way of life style.

Few believed that Indians set rules because they are Hindus (Religious) while A few say India is a poor country, they cant build an economy hence they create all the rules on the name of Hiduism. These statements are completely wrong. One should break the stereotypes and observe closely.
See some cultural rituals and examples of Indian system:
  1. Indian festivals are based on geographical and seasonal based. As India is agricultural economy based, we were strictly following the timings to make money. The attire is also suitable to climate conditions.
  2. Indians were discriminated for less hospitals, but the Ayurvedha is made as the life style of every home.
  3. Using turmeric, spices, and herbals makes the body resist the viruses. Indians are not curry people.
  4. Drinking water from a copper or pot vessel adds extra minerals to water. Other metals are proven to be poisoned and harmed.
  5. Cooking was always on Clay vessels to add earth minerals into food. Which boosts immunity and stores information about the local bacteria and viruses.
  6. Eating was always in leafs to intake. While eating a soft outer layer is consumed and improves the digestive tract.
  7. Eating based on lunar moments and fasting on special days like Amavasya, Ekadashi, Trayodashi etc. is called intermittent fasting and cleanses your body and improves immune system.
  8. During this time, people were recommended to practice meditation, pranayam and music to mentally relax and consume less energy.
  9. People are not allowed eat any plant food which is away from 50km radius. Which will protects body and not allow any foreign cells to enter into body.
  10. Eat only when hungry. One or Two meals were recommended.
  11. Eating non-veg is option for only few people who needs physical efforts.
  12. Tea or coffee were never an option. Liquid form of foods were highly in taken. not because we weren’t able to afford.
  13. People were feeling shame and unsecured to cross borders of country. These days people are trying for foreign travelling opportunities for various economic and financial crisis, which was never recommended.
  14. Indians never had Toilets. It is true, but the idea is not to keep toilets inside the house. The bad wastage should always released a far away.
  15. We were never greedy, we believed in ecology. Every specie has a right to live along with us. No killing animals nor making extra money for individual growth.
  16. Awake in the morning around 4am keeps mind and space calm and pleasant. Your body works along with the light and energy of Sun.
  17. Draw some rangoli with rice flour in the balcony of house, so insects will not enter into house and they eat any form of invisible bacteria. Apply turmeric in the door entrance.
  18. Indians used to perform daily rituals called Thri-Sandhya-Vandanam. A great way of invoke the presence of Sun and relax the mind.
  19. We always used to wash our hands and intake some water as Achamanam. A personal water vessel was always be carried along to keep body hydrated and keep hands clean. Always entered home after washing hands and feet.
  20. Fire with cow dung and camphor to purify air. therefore all the bacteria around us is killed. No Insects enters the surroundings.
  21. Always maintained some standard seating postures for various activities to tune with conditions.
  22. Maintained un-touhability to keep hygiene. Later discriminated by a set of people which has become sad.
  23. Never shook hands, bringing hands together and posing Namaskar is a way of keeping our selves some distancing.
  24. Never touched the food who has eaten, there will be some particles of Phlegm. that causes dangerous health issues.
  25. Drinking water in temples is not just Teertha. Basil leafs and edible camphor mixed in water has medical combination to cure bronchial related issues.
  26. Wearing turmeric on face and foot is not being Orthodox. It is antiseptic for body.
  27. Wearing white and loose cloths makes feel comfortable and out from sweating. What is the meaning of wearing tight jeans and blazer on body in 35° temperature?
  28. When a person dies, the family is quarantined. Never cooked food at house, burnt the dead-body. Decompose as early as possible. Not to outbreak any epidemics.
  29. Similarly, quarantined when a mother given birth to a baby as new changes happens in body new anti bodies develops, and to keep the mother and baby safe from outsiders to not get infected.
  30. Complete your dinner by 6:30pm, and go to bed by 9pm not facing north direction and any lunar or geographical effects will not change your blood flow, mood and you will find a good sleep during night.
These are just a 30 items that we see regularly in each Indian home. Maintain your culture. follow swa-dharma. Be hygiene, stop spreading epidemics.
Probably every state / country / Continent would have their own cultural roots. But one should follow their own practices. Don’t impose on others neither don’t follow others.
India has more deeper sophisticated cultural roots. Never feel shame to follow your own traditions. If these Hygiene practices are followed, India could have exceptional from many centuries from these pandemic outbreaks.
Final note: There were no scientific evidences of such pandemic outbreaks in India earlier 15th Century. And all the other losses began from then as we deny our culture.


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